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Lucky House Birmingham

Birmingham > Lucky House
23 Hollybank Road, Birmingham B13
Chinese food from:   Ł 4.80
Mo-Th 16:00-23:30
Fr-Sa 16:00-23:59
Su 16:00-23:30
Phone number
121 444 7858
Lucky House offers always something extra for its customers, for example FREE Prawn crackers on every orders over £ 10. Delicious food and polite staffis commonplace for us. Order online with Best Chinese Takeaways and have a nice evening with best Chinese food in Birmingham.

Delivery areas

Delivery charge £1 over £8, not available below £8
B13 Birmingham, B14 Birmingham - £ 1, min. order £ 8
B28 Hall Green, B30 Birmingham, B38 Birmingham - £ 1.5, min. order £ 10
B90 Shirley - £ 2, min. order £ 12

Chinese restaurant Lucky House - tips, review