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Sungai Wang Birmingham

Birmingham > Sungai Wang
297 Kitts Green Road, Birmingham, B33
Chinese food from:   £ 4.40
Mo closed
Tu-Sa 17:00-22:45
Su 18:00-22:45
Phone number
ONLINE order only
Sungai Wang recommend for example this kind of today´s dinner - Mixed Vegetables Soup with Egg, Roast Pork & Chicken Chow Mein or Crispy Shredded Chicken in King Do Sauce and Banana Fritter in Syrup at the end. You got a taste? Just order online and we will deliver you whatever you really want!

Delivery areas

B26 Birmingham
B33 Birmingham
B34 Birmingham
B37 Birmingham

Chinese restaurant Sungai Wang - tips, review

happy with the meal all the while .. no problem its just delivery that needs sorting as last 3 or 4 times had to go hunt for the meal ?